Dr. James Gill, co-owner of Family Medicine at Greenhill, is a board-certified family physician known for providing high quality and compassionate care for patients of all ages for more than 20 years.
Dr. Gill is accepting children and their families into his practice at Family Medicine at Greenhill. He strongly believes that healthcare improves when entire families are served by one primary doctor.
Dr. Gill received his medical degree from Rutgers Medical School, and also earned a Master’s in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University – a degree few physicians have, which makes him uniquely expert in wellness and preventive care.
He has been named Delaware Family Physician of the Year and received the Local Medical Champion Award from Delaware Covering Kids and Families. Dr. Gill is a leader in the medical field and has received numerous national and international awards for his in-depth research to measure and improve the quality of medical care.
Dr. Gill also is on the faculties of the Jefferson College of Medicine and the University of Delaware and sits on the Board of Trustees for the Christiana Care Health System.
In his spare time, Dr. Gill has spent years serving the community as a volunteer physician for a variety of programs, including Claymont Family Health Services and Bayard House, a residential program for at-risk pregnant minors and women. He is on the Board of Directors of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington. Dr. Gill is married with four children.