213 Greenhill Ave. Wilmington, DE 19805
(302) 429-5870


The Birth Center

The Birth Center provides comprehensive care for women from teens to post-menopausal. The Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) at The Birth Center provides high quality, evidence-based care in a compassionate and supportive environment.

Our focus is to empower our clients through holistic health management and education. We also provide prenatal, labor, birth, and postpartum services. At The Birth Center, pregnancy and birth and treated as a natural process, not a medical procedure. You may even give birth to your baby in the water birth tub. Our postpartum services include breastfeeding support, classes, and mom/baby groups. The Birth Center also has birth doulas available to clients. Education classes, postpartum services, and doula services are open to clients planning to deliver at The Birth Center, a hospital or at home. For more information, please visit our website.

Holistic Health Services

“Holistic comprehensive compassionate care and outreach for persons living with complex chronic medical conditions in order to improve their overall quality of life and wellbeing.”

Founded by our very own Dr. Nina Anderson, TOVA is an organization that provides holistic compassionate comprehensive primary specialty care and services for people living with Sickle Cell Anemia, Trait and other Blood Disorders. For more information – please visit their website.


“We go the extra mile to make sure you’re cared for every step of the way. As a community-focused healthcare company, we offer our patients a unique and personalized experience for their specific health needs. This means we create a special connection with our patients and their practitioners. We streamline our patients’ medication management by contacting practitioners directly.”

Medical Therapy Management – In-depth, medication-related education, consultation and advice provided to patients, family and/or caregivers to help assure proper use of medications.
Blister Packaging – Why waste time sorting or worrying about medication? This innovative multi-dose packaging system makes everything simpler. Sorted and packaged by your pharmacist, each dose is personalized just for you. And they’re clearly labeled by date and time of day, giving you the comfort of knowing you took the right medication at the right time. No more guesswork, and no more bottles or pillboxes.
White-Glove Delivery – Although we welcome you to pick up your medication. If you prefer, we will deliver prescriptions to your door at no additional cost.
Medication Sync – Medication synchronization is when the pharmacist coordinates the refill of your medications so you can pick them up on a single day each month. Many people miss doses of their regular medications and medication sync can make you more likely to take them so you can be healthy.
For more information, visit their website.